Pimp My Class

Pimp your class with awesome features

This library provides base classes to enable useful behavior in Python Objects.

The central purpose of the library is to extend python properties to allow:

  • get/set logging.
  • get/set timing, success and failure stats.
  • async locking.
  • get/set coercion and conversion.
  • value cache
  • prevent unnecessary set.
  • read once properties

But most importantly, it allows owner specific configurations. Properties are class attributes, and therefore it is difficult to have a property which is, for exampled cached, in an object but not cached in another instance of the same class.

The library also provides DictProperties: that is properties that can be accessed by key; and also methods!

Each capability is isolated in individual classes allowing you to pick only what you need.

Follow us on GitHub: https://github.com/hgrecco/pimpmyclass

Basic usage

Pick what capability you need and created your pimped property

from pimpmyclass import props

class MyAwesomeProperty(props.StatsProperty):
   """Docs goes here

Check what is required for that class and define your base class with your properties.

from pimpmyclass import mixins

class Base(mixins.StorageMixin):
    """Docs goes here

    def just_read(self):
        return 42

    def read_write(self):
        return 42

    def read_write(self, value):
        if value != 42:
            raise ValueError

and that’s it!

>>> obj = Base()
>>> obj.just_read
>>> obj.just_read
>>> obj.read_write
>>> obj.read_write = 42
>>> obj.read_write = 43
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> s = Base.just_read.stats(obj, 'get')
>>> s.count # number of times get was called
>>> s.last # duration in seconds of the last get call (you can also ask for mean, max, min, std)
>>> Base.read_write.stats(obj, 'failed_set').count

Indices and tables