Source code for pimpmyclass.methods

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    Implement pimped methods:

    - NamedMethod: has a name and can be configured via kwargs (see common.Config).
    - StorageMethod: can store and retrieve information from the instance to which is attached.
    - StatsMethod: keep stats of all calls.
    - LogMethod: logs all calls.
    - LockMethod: limits access to the instance to one thread at a time via re-entrant lock.
    - InstanceConfigurableMethod: can be configured via kwargs and those values modified in
      an instance dependent manner (see common.InstanceConfig).
    - TransformMethod: provides a way to convert input or output values.

    Some of these methods require that the class containing them derives from a particular mixin.

    :copyright: 2019 by pimpmyclass Authors, see AUTHORS for more details.
    :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.

from collections import defaultdict
import functools
import inspect
import weakref

from .common import NamedCommon, Config, InstanceConfig
from .helpers import require
from .mixins import LockMixin, LogMixin, StorageMixin, BaseLogMixin
from .stats import RunningStats

[docs]class NamedMethod(NamedCommon): _func = None @property def name(self): return self._func.__name__ @property def signature(self): return inspect.signature(self._func) @property def parameters(self): return tuple(self.signature.parameters.keys()) def check_signature(self, func): pass def __call__(self, func): self.check_signature(func) self._func = func self.__doc__ = func.__doc__ class NewCallable: def __get__(selfie, instance, owner=None): if instance is None: return self func = functools.partial(, instance) func.__wrapped__ = self._func return func def __name__(self): return func.__name__ def __set_name__(selfie, owner, name): self.__set_name__(owner, name) def __getattr__(selfie, item): return getattr(self, item) def __call__(selfie, instance, *args, **kwargs): return self._func(instance, *args, **kwargs) obj = NewCallable() return obj def __newcall__(self, instance, *args, **kwargs): return, *args, **kwargs) def call(self, instance, *args, **kwargs): return self._func(instance, *args, **kwargs) def raw_call(self, instance, *args, **kwargs): return self._func(instance, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]class LockMethod(NamedMethod): def __set_name__(self, owner, name): require(self, owner, name, LockMixin) super().__set_name__(owner, name) def call(self, instance, *args, **kwargs): with instance.lock: return super().call(instance, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]class LogMethod(NamedMethod): log_values = Config(default=True) def _to_log(self, instance, value): if self.log_values is True: return value elif callable(self.log_values): try: return self.log_values(value) except Exception as e: instance.log_error('Could not convert value to log in %s, logging type: e',, e) return type(value) return type(value) def _args_kwargs_to_log(self, instance, args, kwargs): if self.log_values is True: return args, kwargs elif callable(self.log_values): try: return tuple(self.log_values(arg) for arg in args), {k: self.log_values(v) for k, v in kwargs.items()} except Exception as e: instance.log_error('Could not convert value to log in %s, logging type: e',, e) return tuple(type(arg) for arg in args), {k: type(v) for k, v in kwargs.items()} def __set_name__(self, owner, name): require(self, owner, name, LogMixin) super().__set_name__(owner, name) def call(self, instance, *args, **kwargs): if args or kwargs: _args, _kwargs = self._args_kwargs_to_log(instance, args, kwargs) instance.log_info('Calling %s with (%s, %s))',, _args, _kwargs) else: instance.log_info('Calling %s', try: out = super().call(instance, *args, **kwargs) instance.log_info('%s returned %s',, self._to_log(instance, out)) return out except Exception as e: instance.log_error('While calling %s: %s',, e) raise e
[docs]class StorageMethod(NamedMethod): """A property that can store and retrieve information in the instance to which is attached. Methods and descriptors are class attributes and therefore any attempt to naively modify one of their attributes for a single instance of the parent class will propagate to all instances. This property overcomes this problem by storing information at the instance level. The information is stored in uniquely a specified namespace defined by the derived class. Inside that storage, another namespace is specified using the property name. Derived class should use the dynamically created _store_get and _store_set to retrieve and store information. ..note: Derived classes must override the following variables: _storage_ns : str Defines a unique namespace under which the information of the derived class is stored. _storage_ns_init : callable Called upon initialization of the storage to initialize the specific storage of the namespace. **Requires** that the owner class inherits :class:`pimpmyclass.mixins.StorageMixin`. """ # Stores namespace to StorageProperty subclass # It cannot be dunder because it is accessed by __init_subclass__ _storage_sub_ns_cls = weakref.WeakValueDictionary() _storage_ns = '' _storage_ns_init = None def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs): super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs) ns = cls._storage_ns if not ns: raise ValueError('Class %s must specify a storage namespace ' ' as required by StorageMethod' % cls) if ns in cls._storage_sub_ns_cls: if not issubclass(cls, cls._storage_sub_ns_cls[ns]): raise ValueError('Class %r storage namespace (%s) collides with ' 'class %r' % (cls, ns, cls._storage_sub_ns_cls[ns])) else: if cls._storage_ns_init is None: raise ValueError('Class %s must specify a storage initializer ' ' as required by StorageMethod' % cls) cls._storage_sub_ns_cls[ns] = cls # Create partial versions of _store_get and _store_get # with the corresponding namespace # and store it in the specific subclass. cls._store_get = functools.partial(cls._ns_store_get, namespace=cls._storage_ns) cls._store_set = functools.partial(cls._ns_store_set, namespace=cls._storage_ns) cls._store_del = functools.partial(cls._ns_store_del, namespace=cls._storage_ns) def __set_name__(self, owner, name): require(self, owner, name, StorageMixin) super().__set_name__(owner, name) def _store_get(self, instance): return self._ns_store_get(instance, self._storage_ns) def _store_set(self, instance, value): return self._ns_store_set(instance, value, self._storage_ns) def _store_del(self, instance): return self._ns_store_del(instance, self._storage_ns) def _ns_store_get(self, instance, namespace): sto = if namespace not in sto: cls = self._storage_sub_ns_cls[namespace] sto[namespace] = cls._storage_ns_init(instance) return sto[namespace][] def _ns_store_set(self, instance, value, namespace): sto = if namespace not in sto: cls = self._storage_sub_ns_cls[namespace] sto[namespace] = cls._storage_ns_init(instance) sto[namespace][] = value def _ns_store_del(self, instance, namespace): sto = if namespace not in sto: cls = self._storage_sub_ns_cls[namespace] sto[namespace] = cls._storage_ns_init(instance) del sto[namespace][]
[docs]class StatsMethod(StorageMethod): """A property that keep stats on get and set calls. Stats can be retrieved with the `stat` methods and the following keys: - call - failed_call The following statistics are provided in a namedtuple: last : float most recent duration (seconds). count : int number of operations. mean : float average duration per operation (seconds). std : float standard deviation of the duration (seconds). min : float shortest duration (seconds). max : float longest duration (seconds). **Requires** that the owner class inherits :class:`pimpmyclass.mixins.StorageMixin`. """ _storage_ns = 'statsm' _storage_ns_init = lambda _: defaultdict(RunningStats) def call(self, instance, *args, **kwargs): with StatsMethod._store_get(self, instance).time('call'): return super().call(instance, *args, **kwargs) def stats(self, instance, key): return StatsMethod._store_get(self, instance).stats(key)
[docs]class InstanceConfigurableMethod(StorageMethod): _storage_ns = 'iconfigm' _storage_ns_init = lambda _: defaultdict(dict) def config_get(self, instance, key): if instance is None: return super().config_get(None, key) try: return InstanceConfigurableMethod._store_get(self, instance)[key] except KeyError: return super().config_get(None, key) def config_set(self, instance, key, value): if instance is None: super().config_set(None, key, value) else: InstanceConfigurableMethod._store_get(self, instance)[key] = value self.on_config_set(instance, key, value)
[docs]class TransformMethod(InstanceConfigurableMethod): _transformations = None _storage_ns = 'transformationsm' _storage_ns_init = lambda _: defaultdict(dict) params = InstanceConfig(default=None) def __set_name__(self, owner, name): require(self, owner, name, StorageMixin, BaseLogMixin) super().__set_name__(owner, name) sig = self.signature param_names = self.parameters if self.params: if not isinstance(self.params, dict): if len(sig.parameters) > 2: raise ValueError('The syntax for methods with multiple arguments ' 'in the constructor has been deprecated. Use the ' 'cleaner "param" syntax in %s', name) last = param_names[-1] self.params = {last: self.params} else: self.params = {} try: self.params = dict(self._func.__transform_params__) for k in self.params.keys(): if k == '<ret>': continue if k not in param_names: raise ValueError('%s is not an argument name of %s', k, name) del self._func.__transform_params__ except AttributeError: pass assert isinstance(self.params, dict) def check_signature(self, func): super().check_signature(func) if not self.params: return if not isinstance(self.params, dict): return names = tuple(inspect.signature(func).parameters.keys()) p = self.params.pop(None, None) if not p: return for name in names[1:]: if name not in self.params: self.params[name] = p def call(self, instance, *args, **kwargs): sig = self.signature ba = sig.bind(instance, *args, **kwargs) t_arg = self.params_iget(instance) if t_arg: r_arg = t_arg.pop('<ret>', None) else: r_arg = None new_ba = {} noop = lambda x: x if t_arg: for param in sig.parameters.values(): if param.kind != param.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD: raise ValueError('Only named POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD arguments are currently ' 'supported by transformations.') for k, v in ba.arguments.items(): new_ba[k] = t_arg.get(k, noop)(v) ba = sig.bind(**new_ba) instance.log_info('<T> Calling %s with (%s, %s)',, ba.args, ba.kwargs) try: out = super().call(*ba.args, **ba.kwargs) except Exception as e: instance.log_error('While pre-processing (%s, %s) for %s: %s', ba.args, ba.kwargs,, e) raise e else: out = super().call(*ba.args, **ba.kwargs) if r_arg: try: out = r_arg(out) except Exception as e: instance.log_error('While post-processing %s for %s: %s', out,, e) raise e return out
[docs] @classmethod def param(cls, names, func): """Add modifiers to a specific parameter. See Action for more information. """ def decorator(f): _param_memo(f, names, func) return f return decorator
[docs] @classmethod def ret(cls, func): """Add modifiers to the return value. See Action for more information. """ def decorator(f): _param_memo(f, '<ret>', func) return f return decorator
def _param_memo(obj, name, func): """Helper function to allow composition of modifiers in a single action. """ if not isinstance(name, str): for n in name: _param_memo(obj, n, func) return if not hasattr(obj, '__transform_params__'): obj.__transform_params__ = [] obj.__transform_params__.append((name, func))